
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Self-Actualization through Accident Claim Help

Others as Means
Fortunate, truly fortunate, are claimants who look at the claiming process as more than a mere procedure to obtain their compensation. Because they see the same as an opportunity to shatter their personal limits and transcend their misconceived restrictions, they finish the process not just with an impressive bank account but also with a new personality, a new humanity, a more hopeful and invigorated will to life. A fundamental question which serves as a marker discriminating those who end up renewed in spirit and those who end up enriched in a materialistic way only is “How should claimants approach accident claim help advice?”

Those who answer that they should rely on other people’s advice frame their experiences within the paradigms of dependence and stupefying subservience. In their apathy or perplexity, they are more than willing to sacrifice their intelligence in exchange for ease and leisure. They finish the process without learning anything because they have not exercised any mental muscle. We look at them and turn away in pity and disgust. Those, however, who answer that although other people are the starting points of learning, that nevertheless it is our duty as autonomous individuals to evaluate what they say and adapt them to the unique circumstances of our case, its inherent special qualities that only we are cognizant of, will end up feeling reborn and worthier of their compensation. They have done the law – and their sense of dignity – justice.

The Umbilical Connection
Why should looking for a person who can offer us excellent accident claim help be an issue when it is generally understood that all the advice that we will ever need will be presented to us by whoever we hire to act as our lawyers? Why should there still be a need to listen to other people, especially laymen, when it can be proven that not only are their pieces of advice untutored in the technical school of law, but are also sometimes conflicting with what our solicitors say?

The answer is simple: lawyers make mistakes too. Even if laymen are not qualified people to correct lawyers, this does not mean that they can never teach them anything. What laymen and the claimant himself can contribute to the legal process is a more judicious ascertainment of facts. Lawyers are experts only on the matter of the law. But cases are decided not just on legal points, but also on factual points. Whether or not anything happened in a certain way can only be answered by those whose minds are not confined within a complicated theory. Simple people, even children, can be used to bolster assertions of fact because they are credible, despite their want of knowledge in the law.

Using Laws to Demand Compensation for Whiplash Injury

The Intent of the Law
It is a truism that in formulating an argument, the first requisite is the provision of the appropriate law. Claimants and their counsels need to locate the necessary statute or precedent which will bolster their positions and enable them to win their cases. Nevertheless, despite the arduousness of research, plaintiffs and defendants must not think that the entire job of litigation consists of searching for laws and cases alone. For the truth is that this is only the beginning, the gate which when passed, opens up a broad vista of new obligations to satisfy.

The immediate task that awaits claimants and their counsels after locating the pertinent laws that they need is the interpretation of its contents. In technical language, this act of understanding or deciphering what a law means is called statutory construction. In demanding compensation for whiplash injury, for example, claimants need to see how our tort laws on that subject should be read. The well-settled guidelines regarding this type of hermeneutics are three: ordinary meaning, historical reference, and wholeness. That is to say, in order to declare with authority what a certain statute denotes, they must read the words contained therein using their plain and non-technical meaning, refer to the debates and speeches given by the law’s framers, and compare each provision with each other and read them in harmony.

Qualifications for Holdings
By now, the term ratio decidendi should be familiar to you. Plainly put, the ratio of a case is that part of it wherein the court explains its reasons regarding its decision. As a plaintiff demanding compensation for whiplash injury in a country whose jurisprudence is dominated by case law, you must know that more than merely quoting statutes, you need to cite precedents that contain a ratio that supports your contention in order to convince the courts of the justice and fitness of your accident claim. Another word for the ratio is “holding.”  Thus, when anyone asks what the holding of a case is, he is in fact asking what the doctrine enunciated in that case is and when it can be applied.

Two determinations, however, must make you circumspect. For one thing, there are certain kinds of cases which have no ratio. First, cases that are not resolved because they are moot and academic obviously have no holding. Doctrines are generated only when actual controversies are resolved. Without a real conflict, the courts will not act. Second, dissenting opinions also do not count as holding. Only the opinion of the majority is binding. Another thing you must study is the fact that not all holdings remain valid until today. Doctrines are regularly though infrequently overturned in favor of new ones.

My Education

In life, I am content to dispense with overly metaphysical wondering. All I need is to ask myself whether or not a certain activity is useful. If it is, then I do it. If it is not, then I desist. Beyond that my weak brain cannot muster another step. This attitude is inherent in my personality, I think. Thus, when I filed No Win No Fee whiplash claims, I was not surprised when the only consideration I asked myself was purely that of utility.

Should I file No Win No Fee whiplash claims? It was useful to receive compensation. Thus I did it. Should I hire a lawyer? Again, the same answer and the same action. Should I work hard in collecting testimonials and witnesses? No difference in my reply. And so on. What is not useful, as I saw while thinking about my claims, was to just sit around doing nothing while my neck injury was every day becoming worse and my injurer smugly falling into complaisance. I don’t understand that. What is the use of strutting around the person you injured just because he has not filed a case against something you know you did wrong? It is beyond me.

Eventually, I did receive my compensation. As a last farewell to that horrible experience, I went beyond myself and attempted to just distill from the whole thing what learning could be useful for me. On the bright side, I learned quite a number of good things. First, people can be kind to you if you do not approach them aggressively. Lawyers, too, are just the victims of stereotypes. They are not ambitious and profit-oriented monsters. At their best, they are their clients’ guardians. At their worst, however, they are their clients’ own devils, their partners in a cannibal relationship. Money is not always good to have. In fact, sometimes it gets in the way of happiness. On the dark side, I saw that people are not always impelled by reason when they go to court. There are times when they are merely driven by passion or jealousy or mere intent to annoy.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Prospective Applications of Accident at Claims

Effects of New and Repealed Laws
What happens when in the middle of trying your Accident at claims, a new law was suddenly passed which drastically changed the parameters of the compensation system? For example, suppose that you filed a moderate whiplash claim today, the expected range of compensation being anywhere from £4,575 – £14,500. Now, the day after, Parliament passed a law that stipulated that no moderate whiplash claim should be awarded anything more that £50. What would happen to your claim?

Of course such a situation would not be likely to happen, but it does embody a certain principle which is held dear by our courts – the prospective nature of law. In this case, unless the law expressly states that it is retroactive, it will not affect your claim because it is your right to have any lawsuit you filed to be processed and judged strictly in accordance with the laws which were existent at the time you began it. Even if the laws which governed the case you demanded had been repealed or scrapped, it would still retain a de facto power in your situation. This is in fact a good thing. New laws or repeals of old laws cannot take effect in situations where they affect a vested right or impair the obligation of contracts.

Official Capacity
Studying the different kinds of legal personalities which employers possess is the key in filing a winning Accident at claims. The most integral distinction you must keep in mind is that which identifies your employer in his official capacity and in his personal capacity. This differentiation is essential to know because work accident claims can only be deemed proper when addressed towards acts done in the first and never in the latter.

Put precisely, as an employee, you can only demand compensation from your employer only and specifically to negligent acts he committed while he was functioning as your employer. You can demand work negligence claims against him for hiring incompetent workers, providing unsafe equipment, ignoring safety rules and policies, and littering the workplace with all kinds of obstructions. You cannot, however, demand work accident claims against him if he accidentally runs his vehicle over you while on the way home because he is no longer bound to practice his duty of care towards you during non-working hours. The right action to take, in this case, is to demand car accident claims because you are suing not his negligence as an employer, but his negligence as a private citizen. In case you file a work accident claim against him here, then expect to have your claim dismissed.

Using Precedents to Win Accident at Work Claims

Landmark Cases
Much of what comprises “advice” from the Internet today concerning accident at work claims can be reduced into one cardinal principle: consult a lawyer. This apparently benign command is in reality nothing more than a pathetic hook to snag the reader’s interest in order to fill up a law company’s customer quota. We are not convinced by such moronic subterfuges. Surely, people, and Britons at that, can digest stronger meals of advice than this puny and spurious crumb. Surely, we deserve better, not the least because we can do better.

To practice what we have preached, people must know that there are quite a lot of things they can do in fact in order to win their claims besides having to contact a lawyer. In case they filed accident at work claims, for example, they can read the pertinent laws about these kinds of claims, such as The Health and Safety Act. Beyond that, they can also study by themselves exactly how English jurisprudence works, in particular its prudent and well-settled emphasis on precedents. They can even do more. In searching for precedents, whether in the library or in the Internet, they can qualify their research by focusing on landmark cases, since these are the ones whose binding power dominate the rest and compel them into obedience. The doctrine of stare decisis can be mastered by laymen if they are serious enough. This mastery, however, can only be reached if they did more than just to consult a lawyer.

Identity of Facts
That the law is an incurably technical field is a principle enunciated today by two diverse groups but for complementary reasons. On the one hand, we have the armies of lawyers, who in their interest to keep their field closed and restrictive, for its very imperviousness is the source of its power, proclaiming the study and interpretation of the Law as inevitably technical every day and everywhere. On the other hand, we see the swarms of pusillanimous claimants who slink behind their lawyers’ backs, eagerly agreeing because they are incapable and unwilling to flex their backbones and exercise their privilege and right to legal empowerment. The first cannot bear to make the Law open because their status would concomitantly suffer with such an expansion; the second because their weak constitutions would crack under the weight of the responsibility of acting as real human beings.

We cannot support either. Lawyers and claimants must both make the Law more accessible and known because only then will it cease to be a possibly unjust force. Whether in demanding accident at work claims or whiplash claims, both groups must understand that it is in the interest of the society for them to shred their arrogance and inhibitions.

This is especially true for claimants. They must know the Law to protect themselves from unethical lawyers. For example, they should study just exactly how precedents establish binding power because in a Common Law system such as ours, the courts retrospect in order to reach a decision.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Understanding Lawyers

You wonder why lawyers, whether accidents at work claims lawyer or whiplash claims lawyer or holiday claims lawyers, are all grumpy and impatient. You see them frowning whenever the conversation turns to subjects unrelated to the point. You hear them curse when summoned from the piles of paperwork they are submerged in. You smell the unmistakable odor of nicotine or alcohol in their breaths. When you grasp their hands for a handshake, you feel nothing more than an automatic tug, a movement so devoid of sympathy and life, symbolic of their eternal discontent with social formalities and mundane ceremonies.

You then judge them.

You think them inconsiderable boors. You look at their work and their faraway stares and think them impolite, arrogant, snobbish, myopic, putrid, ambitious, vain, and speculative. You smell the aroma pervading their offices, an odor so unwelcoming even mice and roaches dare not trespass. You hear them talk and in the undercurrent of their voices you trace hints of concealed superciliousness.

You then judge them all the more.

You should not. For all kinds of lawyers, especially those who work in the industry of tort claims, such as accidents at work claims, are only unsociable because of the backbreaking burden they carry. Contemplate their lives and you will see why. Imagine their lives so far, having worked for numerous years tirelessly memorizing and annotating laws and codes, many of which can be traced back to the time of the Romans. Then imagine the sleepless nights they had to endure in order to prepare for examinations and recitations, every day feeling the pressure to excel and the fear of failing. Imagine them finally graduating and then witnessing a disorienting revelation, the kind which wracks a fresh graduate’s soul, the tremendous earthquake of disjunction echoed by the conception that law school litigation is different, very different, from real life litigation.

Thus, let lawyers be.

They have to bear the burden of representing others. They have to bear the burden of understanding both sides of a question. They have to bear the burden of the public’s intrusive gaze. But most of all, they have to bear the punishing stereotypes of a world which hates lawyers and tolerates them only because its inhabitants cannot live in peace.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Why is a Medical Solicitor - No Win No Fee Agreement is Not Expensive?

Putting the two terms of “medical” and “solicitor” together sometimes equals one thing to accident victims – “expensive.”

On their own, medical doctors are already expensive. The same goes for solicitors. So in the minds of accident victims, putting them together can only equal something that is outrageously expensive to surpass their individual costs.

However, while 1 +1 = 2 in the world of math takes place all the time, Medical + Solicitor ≠ Expensive can happen in the world of law. Thanks to No Win No Fee agreements, hiring an expensive medical solicitor does not have to feel like an accident victim is buying an entire island in the Bahamas.

The reason behind this is that a medical solicitor - no win no fee agreement comes absolutely free to a client.

Interestingly, the agreement only indicates part of an accident victim’s obligation – if the solicitor does not win the case, the accident victim is not charged any legal fees. But if the solicitor wins the case, it is the Tortfeasor, or the person who caused the accident, who pays the legal fees of the accident victim’s solicitor.

This is the reason why in the legal world, the equation of “Medical” plus “Solicitor” does not always have to equal “Expensive.”

How Much Does a Medical Solicitor - No Win No Fee Agreement Cost?

The word “cost” means several things to different people. For some, the word “cost” may mean something financial, such as the price of something. So when a person says that their shoes cost then ₤100, it means that was the price they paid for the shoes.

For other people, the word “cost” may be non-financial and would equate more to an outlay. So when a person says that telling the truth may cost them their job, it means that being honest is in exchange for losing work as part of retaliation.

This is the nature behind a medical solicitor - no win no fee agreement as it has financial and non-financial costs to it. But as it will be noted, none of them are applicable to the accident victim.

In the present, the financial cost of hiring a medical solicitor is high. The best ones are not cheap, and the more complicated the case, the higher one is expected to pay. Fortunately for accident victims, they do to not pay a thing because it is the Tortfeasor, or the person responsible for the accident who pays the financial cost.

In the past, the non-financial cost of filing a negligence claim is getting fired from work. Unable to punish an employee for filing a claim, companies take revenge by terminating their employees’ work contract. Fortunately for accident victims, the law today prohibits this act of reprisal. By removing this threat, accident victims and witnesses do not have to pay the price of telling the truth anymore.

Cost can mean different things to people. It can be financial for some and non-financial for others. However, the one thing these costs have in common for medical solicitor - no win no fee agreements is that accident victims don’t have to shoulder them at all.

Free Really is Free for a No Win No Fee Lawyer

One of the things that attract buyers to certain services is the freebie that comes along with it. Massages may be included when a high end room is rented. Backstage access is thrown in when top tier concert tickets are bought. And free meals are part of a first class flight from London to New York.

But these so-called freebies are not really free because a customer ends up paying for it as part of the main product or service they buy. The marketing team only makes it look like it is free, but people sometimes end up paying more for them when they are bundled this way.

Thankfully, in there are some things that are really still free in the world. Take the case of lawyers who works under a No Win No Fee agreement; the services they provide is advertised as free. And while someone still has to pay for their services, the beauty of it is that the client is not the one who does it. The Tortfeasor, or the person responsible for the injury, is the one that gets to foot the bill.

With that in mind, it can be argued that these lawyers are not free at all. But if one were to think about it, hotel guests, concert audiences, and passengers actually end up paying for their freebies while accident victims do not. In the case of no win no fee lawyer, free really means free for his clients.

Tortfeasors do not Get a Free Ride with a No Win No Fee Lawyer

One of the benefits that accident victims have today is that they are able to hire lawyers who will not charge them a single penny for their services. The reason why they are able to do this is because clients hire them through a No Win No Fee agreement which practically guarantees a client a winning verdict or negotiation. Should a client’s case be lost in court, there is no obligation to pay the lawyer due to this being stipulated in the agreement.

Some may look at this as getting a free ride from lawyers, but this could not be further from the truth because a no win no fee lawyer will still charge someone for the services they render; and that someone is the Tortfeasor, or the person responsible for the injury.

If found guilty, a Tortfeasor becomes responsible for shouldering the medical expenses incurred by an accident victim as part of his treatment. The expenses may include the cost of medicines, the bill covering surgery, and all the payments required for post-operation activities, like rehabilitation.

Not only that, but the Tortfeasor is also responsible for paying all the expenses incurred during the course of an injury claim proceeding. This means paying for his own lawyer as well as for the lawyer of the injured person.

Injury victims may look like they are getting a free ride from their lawyers, but that can not be further from the truth. It is the Tortfeasor that pays for the injury victim’s lawyers; and it is this person who will not be mistaken for getting a free ride.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Publication and Winning a No Win No Fee Compensation Claim

The Necessity of Informing
A basic rule in demanding a No Win No Fee compensation claim is that laws first have to be published in order for them to take effect. This is important for claimants to remember because they can use this principle to negate the charges of the defendant regarding the validity of their claims, should these charges be based on the unpublished statutes. It is important to note here that this applies to all laws, no matter when they were made. The usual time frame is anywhere between two to three weeks. Practically speaking, it is impossible for laymen to be apprised of all the laws, but not so for lawyers who are beholden to keep themselves updated in legal developments.

This requirement of publication is related to another basic legal maxim: ignorance of the law excuses no one from obedience to it. Thus, you can argue if the defendant blames your ignorance of the law, that this is excusable if the law he is pertaining to has not fulfilled the requirements of publication. These ideas are just examples of how lawyers reason and argue. Essentially, what they do is to maneuver laws in supporting their clients and in demolishing their opponents. Mastery of the ordinary meaning and exceptions to the law, to sum up, are not just advisable, but absolutely necessary to win cases.

The Bane of Retroactivity
Another basic but interesting law when it comes to dealing with the application of laws pertains to retroactivity. In legal parlance, retroactivity means the power of a certain law to affect individuals for an action which they did even before the said law was made. For example, if I picked up a pen from the ground, which at the time of doing so was not thought to be illegal, and a law banning this act was passed the day after, then I could be punished for what I did even before the law was made, if the framers expressly included in its provisions that it has retroactive effect. Of course this example is simplified, but in essence that is how laws are retro activated. In this case, the said law becomes an ex post facto law because it is at the same time a punitive law.

The wisdom of the people has long ago frowned against such legal impostures. They make people accountable for things which at the time of doing were not prohibited, making them victims of the arbitrariness of the rulers. The idea applies to those demanding a No Win No Fee compensation claim as well. In fine, their claims once filed must be judged according to the statutes in effect at the time. New laws which may repeal these statutes have no effect on these claims. They are protected by what lawyers call a vested interest, something which protects them from the possibly adverse changes made by retroactive laws.

It is Not Easy Studying to be Accident Injury Lawyers

Taking up law in college is not an easy task. Many of the top law schools require their students to read as many as 700 court cases in a single semester, which translates to a minimum of 15 cases per subject per day. And while that may sound overwhelming, consider that a single case can be anywhere between ten to four hundred pages long.

It is not enough for law students to memorize the laws and the cases they were used in, students need to know how to apply them in theoretical situations presented by their lecturers.

By the time law students graduate after several years of intense studying, they should be able to recall the thousands of laws they took up during their stay in school. The constant battery of tests will have drilled this in to their minds over time.

However, taking the bar exams is a totally different examination altogether. And this is where the men are separated from the boys. Once a student passes the bar, it is the beginning of their lives as full-fledged lawyers and only the best of the best get to become accident injury lawyers.

Each law student undergoes intense preparation before they become licensed to practice law. And this is the educational expertise that accident victims tap in to whenever they are represented in court by their lawyers.

Only the Best Accident Injury Lawyers get to Graduate

If a school has two semesters per year, then that puts the amount of cases that a student needs to study at 1,400 per year. And this excludes summer or remedial classes, because they can have an entirely different set of cases as part of their curriculum.

During that entire year, law students are expected to keep their noses buried in books nearly twenty four hours a day. Full-time students are fortunate because their routine can be composed of sleeping and studying all day. But part-time students do not have it as easy because they need to deal with work during the day and school at night.

With so much demand on students, it is no wonder that only the best of the best get to graduate and practice law as accident injury lawyers. And while lousy law schools may churn out students like a printing press prints books, passing the bar is the one point that divides the exceptional students from the merely adequate ones.

For law students, all roads lead to the bar. It is the ultimate examination designed to test years of study. And it is the ultimate test on whether a student deserves to become a lawyer or not.

Many have tried taking up law and failed. Some drop out of their first year in law school, some are weeded out by the third year in school, and the remaining ones are removed during the bar exams. With so many validations, only the best of the best accident injury lawyers get to graduate and practice law.

Getting Reliable Accident Claim Advice is Possible Once More

Getting reliable, but inexpensive, accident claim advice is practically impossible today. Just like finding a doctor who still does house calls, finding a lawyer who will give out free advice is practically hopeless.

It probably does not help that accident lawyers are in such high demand that many of them can afford to be extremely selective of their clients. And since they have choices, the choice to make is simple – get high paying clients.

Given this scenario, many of the poorer people who have sustained work injuries have found themselves without proper representation. Either they end up with a lousy lawyer who provides legal advice pro-bono, or for free, or they end up mortgaging their tiny homes in order to get a good lawyer who charges astronomical rates.

Fortunately, the legal landscape has changed over the years. With No Win No Fee agreements become very popular, people from all walks of life now have the opportunity to hire the best lawyer without having to borrow money.

In the case of payment, a lawyer may accept a case based on this agreement and forward all legal fees to the Tortfeasor, or the person responsible for the injury in the first place.

And by allowing lawyers to collect legal fees without restriction, anybody can now get reliable accident claim advice once more.

Getting Accident Claim Advice Does Not Have to Cost a Penny

One of the things that efficiency has taken out of this world is free stuff like advice. Once upon a time, people could get free advice on what stocks to buy, free advice on what to do in a court case, or even free advice on what horse to bet on at the tracks.

But due to people wanting to improve efficiencies, everything now has a cost assigned to it. Things like that free parking space in front of a mall now has a cost, things like that free scoop of ice cream is now paid for by other things, and even free legal advice gets charged by the hour.

So what are people who just need to ask a couple of questions to do?

Fortunately, more lawyers who have No Win No Fee agreements are more than happy to offer free accident claim advice to anyone who asks. By just dialling a number on their websites, a person can be connected directly to a lawyer to provide reliable legal advice.

Not only that, but if a person is in the market for a lawyer to handle an accident claims case, that same ten-minute phone call can mean hiring the same competent lawyer on the phone.

Many free things may have disappeared forever but thankfully, there are still a few things people can get without having to spend a single penny on it. Getting legal advice and hiring a very good lawyer are among those things people can still get for free.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Explanation about No Win No Fee for Medical Negligence

Britons are quite confused when they hear about no win no fee for medical negligence. It’s not as confusing as they think. In fact, it’s quite easy to understand.

A Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) also known as no win no fee is an arrangement between a lawyer and the client wherein the former takes on the case on the condition that if it is unsuccessful, no payment shall be made. However, if it is successful, the lawyer is entitled to receive lawyer’s fee plus a success fee. A new law regarding personal injury claims in the UK has been implemented in April 2013. Solicitors who specialises in no win no fee medical negligence can clearly explain the details regarding the new rules and regulations. A lawyer assigned to handle the case usually recommends purchasing a legal protection insurance called after-the-event insurance. This protects the claimant from any costs should they lose the case. This includes disbursement costs such as medical report, medical record, police accident record fees and court fees.

There is a time limit for bringing a claim in the United Kingdom which can be clearly discussed by an appointed counsel.

Points to Consider in Bringing a Claim

A claimant needs know to that there are several factors that can affect the no win no fee for medical negligence claim in the UK. The court takes into consideration the nature of the injury, severity of the pain, extent of the injury, type of treatment and recovery period.

Injuries can affect the head, neck, shoulders, soft tissues, internal organs, hands and feet of a patient. The severity of the pain can range from minor, moderate to serious case. Treatment is based on the seriousness of the injury or illness. Recovery period may take longer for severe cases and shorter time for mild cases. Aside from these factors, the court considers the age, gender, occupation, hobbies and interest of the victim. The younger the victim, the longer he needs to live with the pain and therefore the compensation is greater. Females are more affected by damage to physical appearance than females. The amount of compensation is also based on the effect on one’s daily activities. This is the reason why the occupation, hobbies and interests are taken into consideration. Submission of evidence is necessary in order to attain full amount. A legal advice from a solicitor is essential to achieve this. It is recommended to consult a specialist and know the details of compensation.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Customs and Medical Negligence Claims

When Proscribed
As doctors and physicians, your patients expect you to be aware of certain protocols. In case you deviate from these protocols, then you will be subject to medical negligence claims. The basis of such claims is that in deviating from the rules, you have caused them considerable harm and suffering. There is really no issue here because the medical community is all too aware that they deviate from such rules at their own peril. Except for one case, the case where some of the members of this community see certain rules as nullifying or potentially nullifying customs they hold dear in their heart.

Take the following case. Now, it may be the custom where you grew up in that people should not eat a certain kind of meat, say, pork. Now, if you were suddenly confronted with a patient whose condition would be precisely cured by prescribing him to eat pork and only this kind of dish, and you did not inform him of that because of your loyalty to your reservations, then you should at least do so understanding that you can be sued against in case a complication happens. Customs do not excuse a person from the administration of his duty, especially one whose effects is beneficial to a person’s rights and to public policy.

The Need of Proof
Arguing that a deviation from the standard practices of the medical community is justified because of a custom you believe and grew up in will not be immediately palatable to the courts. You can still be demanded medical negligence claims over them. There are two reasons why.

To begin with, not all customs can be practiced with impunity. Those which are contrary to the law, public policy, public order, and morals are rightly banned. If they were not, then all acts, even those which can be termed criminal and harmful, would have to be permitted, even to the demise of the body politic. This obviously cannot be. The principal end of law is precisely the survival of society. It cannot be said to have ordered its own execution. Suicide whether in the body of a person or in the body of society is reprehensible.

Second, even if you can prove that a custom is not contrary to the good sense of the public, you are still beholden to show that such a custom is really a custom. In other words, you have to subject said custom to the courts and let it decide, after examining the evidence, to see whether it is really so. The reason is simple. If it were not required to be proved, then anyone can easily disobey the law and conjure the custom blanket in his defense.

Do Not Settle for Anything Less than No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers

Finding one’s calling is not as easy as it sounds. It is not as if a person will one day wake up and suddenly realise what they were born to do. Just like finding true love, one needs to search long and hard for it.

And similar to starting a new relationship, only to realise that it will not work out, finding one’s calling is riddled with deep disappointment and extreme pain. And it is by going through all this difficulty that one gets to fully appreciate one’s calling when it is finally found.

Unfortunately, just like true love, the road to finding the right no win no fee personal injury lawyers is not a smooth one.

While having friends, family, and even the internet can provide choices, finding the right lawyers continues to remain elusive for many. And as some have learned, getting saddled with the wrong one can have life-long implications.

But thanks to the efforts of some people, the consequence of a mismatch does not have to be expensive one.

Years ago, if a person was saddled with a lousy lawyer, that person had no other choice but to buy out the contract they signed. And if paying to get out of a bad lawyer-client relationship is not bad enough, the amounts that lawyers charge for their get-out clause was sometimes worth more than any possible settlement amount.

This is not the case anymore. Thanks to No Win No Fee agreements, lousy lawyers have been slowly weeded out of the legal community. Since lawyers are only able to collect a fee if they win a case or after negotiating a successful settlement, only the best continue to thrive.

This is the reason why injury victims are encouraged to seek out these types of lawyer when they are in need to superior representation in court. Getting a different lawyer only means keeping inferior lawyers in circulation.

So the next time you are in need of a lawyer, look for no win no fee personal injury lawyers. Do not settle for anything less because your future depends on it.

People Looking for Personal Injury Lawyers are Advised to Type personal injury

There is a rule that creations will never equal their creators. For philosophers, this is the reason why humans will never equal God, because humans are his creation.

The same argument is made also for computers which may move extremely fast, can be incredibly strong, and may be exceedingly quick at calculations. Yet with all their abilities, philosophers expect that computers will never be as good as humans.

This is the reason why programming languages still exist after so many years of non-stop advancement in the computer industry. Computers simply can not receive instructions like humans can. Whether it is in English or in any other language normally spoken by people, computers will never understand instructions the way humans do.

This is the reason why questions in the form of long sentences confuse search engines on the internet. Humans view sentences as a whole and are able to get more information from its entirety than that of individual words.

On the other hand, computers look at whole sentences and break it down to individual words. It then searches the internet for each of these individual words instead of the idea behind the whole sentence.

This is the reason why people looking for personal injury lawyers would be better served by typing personal injury instead of a whole sentence or question. Anything longer than this may confuse computers and return the wrong information to their human users.

Typing personal injury is Less Confusing for Internet Search Engines than a Whole Sentence

Computers have come a long way since the first one was designed way back in the year 1822 by a man with the name of Charles Babbage. Due to limitations in technology and manufacturing techniques, the first programmable computer came to life after over a century later. And thanks to Konrad Zuse, the Z1 computer was created in the year 1936.

As time moved on, slow but consistent improvements were made to computers during the early years that followed the Z1 computer.

Some of the breakthroughs included using punch cards to communicate with them. They then gave way to the keyboard that is still in use today. And while the use of voice is now possible to communicate with computers, using sentences or conversational English still confuses computers.

This is the reason why people, who type whole sentences on their keyboards when searching for information on the internet, can not find what they are looking for.

If you happen to be one of these people and are looking for a Personal Injury Lawyer, stop treating the computer like a human being; stop writing sentences in the form of questions as the computer will only search for individual words instead of taking the sentence as a whole.

Typing personal injury will be less confusing for internet search engines than a whole sentence.

So the next time you are looking for a lawyer to handle your legal requirements, remember that computers may move extremely fast, can be incredibly strong, and may be exceedingly quick at calculations, but they are dumb at looking for lawyers if you put it in a whole sentence.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

A Medical Breakthrough

Here are the recent popular stories in the medical community around the globe.

Poland is proud to report that surgeons successfully performed the “world’s first life-saving transplant.” An employee of a stonemason’s workshop suffered injuries in the workplace after being struck by a machine in the face. Doctors tried to put back the torn part but it was unsuccessful. They tried to find a donor and immediately found one. The urgency of the situation did not diminish the quality of service rendered by the medical practitioner. Instead, they displayed a mark of professionalism when they performed an operation immediately after they found a donor. They got full consent from the patient before doing the face transplant.

News came out about a musician-actor who was singing during a brain surgery. The man was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A brain-stimulation was carried out to help control the tremors and stiffness. An electrode emitted was implanted to the affected part of his brain. In the middle of the surgery, the surgeons woke him up. The patient strummed his guitar and sang plus he was able to write and hold a cup. A video which lasts for a few seconds showed this amazing event in his life. That was remarkable!

The last but not the least is the birth of twins which were born 87 days apart. It holds the Guinness Book of Records as the “longest interval between the birth of twins.” The mom from Ireland was grateful for this bundle from heaven. The period of waiting and birth pains was incomparable to the joy when she saw her babies. She was happy that she did not give up and chose to wait patiently. The mom was also thankful for the medical practitioners who guided and assisted her.

It’s amazing to hear news about a medical breakthrough which saved and restored the patient’s life. There are instances wherein some patients suffered injuries during treatment. The medical negligence claims clinical negligence claims in the United Kingdom helps them to compensate for the pain and suffering they endured. They deserve to be compensated.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Why Demanding Claims Intimidates Me

I cannot help but cringe whenever I recollect the time I filed medical negligence claims in the past. After undergoing spinal surgery at one hospital I will not name here, I discovered that my spine, far from returning to normal, became worse. Before the operation I only felt minor tingles at my lower back which occasionally swelled into fits of painful bursts. After the operation, those bursts never ceased. They exploded at some dark region above my posterior and electrified my entire body. It was unbearable. I was unable to do what most people my age could still do, such as walking, bending over, sitting upright, and even taking a bath.

So I called up a lawyer and filed medical negligence claims. They went all right and I received a laudable amount of compensation in return. But what pain! What sacrifices! In order to make my claims meritorious, I had to recollect and divulge to my doctor all the details concerning my surgery, even the private ones. I had to inform him that my back problem was intermittent and began when I first made love. I had to inform him that I tried asking different surgeons about it and nobody among them could explain my condition. I had to inform him that this particular doctor which made my condition worse promised me that he could cure me if only I paid him a generous advance, which I did. I had to inform him that he must win my claim because the advance I gave was supposed to be spent on my children’s college tuition. What a nerve-wracking experience.

If ever you might blame me for acting haphazardly, then I beseech you first to place yourself in my position, living a life under the constant dread of suffering from lightning jolt attacks emanating from your back that flowed into the rest of your body, crushing and trampling every sensory receptor, ramming and ramming its burning pikes of horror until you succumb to the pain and devolve into an inert being, a pathetic and immobile wreck, the victim of torpor, the prisoner of a disease nobody knows how to cure, crushed under the ruins of an existence no longer tenable, in which the advent of death, far from arousing fear, stimulates instead sentiments of joy, respite, liberation, and other great expectations.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers can Provide Help in the Most Unlikely Places

One night in a crowded pub, a group of workers were having a few of their favourite brews on the last day of a long work week. The topic on hand happened to be how complicated UK laws have gotten today.

A few lamented that decades ago, things were much simpler. With fewer laws governing people, most workers could focus on what they could do instead of what they could not do in the workplace.

By the middle of their discussion, nearly everyone was calling for the striking out of many laws. Only one person, who happened to be the most intoxicated of the group, objected. And to the surprise of everyone else, this one man, the same one who had one too many for the night, actually made sense.

The problem with striking out majority of the laws today would mean that many workers would lose protection. And without any of these legal protections, they would be open to more perils than old mines or factories posed.

It was only as the discussion progressed that the rest of the group realised that this newfound drinking buddy of theirs had a very firm grasp on current laws. And it was only after bribing him with another round of lager that everything was revealed.

It turns out that their new mate was actually a part of a group of no win no fee personal injury lawyers. And when that bit of truth came out, the entire table experienced a moment of silence before the everyone erupted in a flood of questions.

It turns out that many of these people had been, or knew someone who was, injured. Having a lawyer, who has high in spirits and generous in words, made for the perfect opportunity to get free legal advice.

And while the lawyer was truly inebriated, he still had enough of his wits about him to know that some people were taking advantage of him. Despite that, he still dished out fresh advice because he became a lawyer to help others. And he was old enough to know that help does not always come within the confines of a court room. It can come in unlikely places like a rowdy pub at the end of a long work week.

When the final bell was rung and the last round delivered, everyone went home inebriated, but enlightened. Many came to realise that the many new laws in the UK were created to help the average worker.

They also had a very helpful person, who happens to be part of a group of no win no fee personal injury lawyers, to thank for.

Type “personal injury” to Find the Right Lawyer Instead of Just a Good One

With thousands of lawyers graduating every year, there is no shortage of lawyers. And as law schools expand their capacities by hiring more teachers and allotting more classrooms, there is hardly a shortage of good lawyers in the market today.

But getting a good lawyer and finding the right lawyer are two totally different things. A good lawyer may not be the right fit for your requirements or for your personality.

One trait that many good lawyers have is that they can be bossy, ordering clients on what they will do instead of allowing clients to decide for themselves. And while this take-charge attitude may be alright with some, there are clients who feel like they should be the ones giving the orders. After all, they are the ones in the hot seat.

Not all clients and lawyers have to clash for trouble to exist; having a passive client and lawyer can be just as big a problem. But instead of wasting time arguing all the time, a passive client-lawyer combination may simply not end up doing anything at all.

To save you and your lawyer from grief, If may be better for you to first consider what it is you want in a lawyer. After knowing what exactly is important to you, then your search can begin by typing in the key words “personal injury” in Google.

This particular search engine should provide you a list of web sites that you can use to form part of your inventory of candidates.

Typing “personal injury” is Easy to Get the Right Lawyer

With so many lawyers graduating from law schools all over the United Kingdom today, finding the best lawyers is something that clients never have to face.

But finding a good lawyer is not the same as getting the right lawyer to take care of your specific situation. The thing about people is that there needs to be some form of chemistry in order for them to work well together.

This is the reason why Human Resource personnel take great pains in screening potential employees. They know that getting just the best and the brightest without considering how they work together will only end up in a chaotic work environment. So if Human Resource personnel take the time to get the right fit seriously, you should too.

Any Human Resource personnel will tell you that finding the right lawyer is not as easy as it sounds. It can be complicated, especially in a work environment with many different personalities.

Fortunately, you do not have that extra complication of having to deal with many personalities. You only have to consider one important personality – your own. And after you realise what it is you are looking for, you are halfway to getting the right lawyer for yourself.

With the hardest part of knowing what you want behind you, finding the right lawyer has gotten easier with the internet. All you have to do is type in type in the key words “personal injury” in your preferred search engine and you will have several to choose from. And all that is needed after this is a quick phone call and you should be able to determine which candidate is the right fit for you.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Healthy Foods for the Heart

Eating healthy food can make the heart lasts longer. Although it’s easier said than done, it’s better to indulge in nutritious food than eating junk foods. It may sound a cliché, but you are what you eat. Let’s take a look at some of the best healthy foods.

A is for an apple. An apple is packed with photochemical that serves as anti-inflammatory and prevents blood from clotting. One good thing about apple is that one can eat it as it is, tossed in a simple salad or add to a favorite dish. It can be a main ingredient in pastry or in a sauce.

Go nuts! Almond nuts contain vitamin E that helps control blood cholesterol. Enjoy cereals topped with almonds and just munch it as a snack.

Soy is good replacement for red meat. It can be enjoyed with veggies and rice. It’s good for the heart whether it’s soy in a viand or pure soy milk.

Very berries! Berries are rich in vitamin C, calcium and beta-carotene. All berries such as blue berries, strawberries, cranberries, mulberry and gooseberry are yummy and nutritious. Cereals taste yummier when it is topped with blueberries or any berries available.

Salmon is good for the heart and contains omega-3 fatty acids. It is recommended to eat any seafood at least twice a week.

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene that lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. It also helps improve memory and other signs of aging. Tomato sauce is a good source of lycopene.

Green leafy veggies like lettuce and cabbage are not just pleasing to the eyes but helps prevent heart disease.

Whole grain cereal lowers the risk of heart failure. It can help protect against coronary heart disease.

Oats are rich in fibre, folate, omega-3 fatty acids and potassium. It lowers cholesterol levels.

Heath buffs enjoy savouring these healthy foods. Those who are really health conscious need to consult their GP so that they will be properly guided. Some cases of clinical negligence claims arise from GP’s negligence in investigating their patient’s health condition. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Reason there are Medical Negligence Claim Solicitors is Because there is a Need for Them

One of the things that humans excel in is satisfying a need with a product or service. Whether it is the demand for mobile communications or for cheaper outsourced employees, humans can be counted upon not to let any requirements go unfulfilled for long.

This is one of the reasons why there are quite a few medical negligence claim solicitors within the London area. Due to the high demand, which is the direct result of many personal injuries, solicitors have become available to provide service in order to fill this need.

One of the results that a large population like London has is the large number of people that need to be serviced. This has given rise to a high demand for more restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, police stations, fire stations, and hospitals have developed.

In the case of hospitals, some are actually filled to capacity because of the many illnesses that the large population of London suffers from. And since there are more patients to attend to, the odds that doctors make mistakes has increased as well.

It is this situation that fuels the need for medical negligence claim solicitors. Without a need, there certainly will not be any people in this field. But since there are quite a number of hospitals and doctors found to be negligent, the number of solicitors who help patients in seeking justice follows.

There would be no Medical Negligence Claim Solicitors if there are No Negligent Doctors

Wherever demand exists, supply will follow. This is true for all professions, whether it is in the field of sales, marketing, technology, safety, travel, or medicine.

In the case of medicine, not only has it gotten cheaper but recovery times have decreased to as short as a few hours and the risks have decreased to single digit levels.

These have fuelled number of people who get nose lifts, breast implant, tummy tucks, and plump lips, to record numbers over the years. And it is sometimes joked that when these people are buried, they will have more silicone and titanium in them than bones.

Unfortunately, with the increased number of procedures taking place, the odds of something going wrong has increased as well.

A flood of patients has doctors cutting consultation times in order to accommodate more patients. Surgeries are sometimes shortened so more patients can be worked on. And hospitals are cramming so many patients in clinics that mistakes occur more often today.

The sad part is mistakes made for these beauty procedures can end up being hideous and permanent. This is the reason why many of these botched operations have patients running to negligence solicitors for relief.

Beauty may be experiencing explosive growth and the number of negligence cases is rising with it. And while people may still be wary of turning to solicitors, the truth of the matter is that there would be no medical negligence claim solicitors if there are no negligent doctors.

Different People have Different Opinions of a Medical Negligence Claim Lawyer

Ask any doctor on the street which group of people they hate the most and one of the answers they give will include a Medical negligence claim lawyer.

Some of their gripes about this type of lawyer are that they are always on a witch hunt, looking for people they can pin the blame on. It does not matter whether the doctor is innocent; this group of lawyers have one-track minds and do not listen to reason all in the name of money.

But ask a recent patient who has been victims of clinical negligence, and they will say that a Medical negligence claim lawyer does not deserve to be on the most hated list.

Some of the praises they shower on their lawyers include being able to get justice for the errors that a doctor committed. They also credit their lawyer with being able to secure damages to either correct any temporary errors or to make sure they can live with the permanent ones doctors left them with.

And in the case of the lawyers, most tend to take a more neutral opinion of themselves. They are not overly negative like doctors, nor are they extremely positive like clients.

As far as they are concerned, if doctors make a mistake, it will come out in court and they will be punished for it. And if a patient deserves to get damages, they will get whatever is needed to cover any surgeries or medical supplies that they need.

A Doctor Will Naturally Loath a Medical Negligence Claim Lawyer

Ask a doctor what type of person they hate the most and a Medical negligence claim lawyer will undoubtedly make it to the top of this list.

For many doctors, just hearing the news of a lawyer being in a hospital sends shivers up their spines because unless they have sustained any injured themselves, a lawyer will most likely cause injury to a poor hapless doctor’s medical practice.

And if not for their Hippocratic Oath, chances are any doctor will pass on the opportunity to treat an injured lawyer because they just loath them. In fact, may secretly be happy if they would just drop dead and die.

Other than sometimes filing frivolous and even unfair claims cases, some doctors feel that lawyers can not be trusted. They will be nice and congenial in the operating room or in the clinic but will turn hostile when questioning a doctor on the witness stand in a court case.

Many will say that their presence prevents doctors from being able to practice medicine properly, which is to do it without the threat of litigation. And the effect is that doctors end up being unnecessarily careful.

But people like patients will disagree. Patients, especially the ones who have been victimised by a doctor’s negligence, feel that the presence of a Medical negligence claim lawyer keeps doctors from making mistakes.

With them around, doctors will naturally be at their best behaviour and will always make sure their patients get the right care.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Making Things Simple

My policy in life and the one which I adopted when I demanded No Win No Fee claims is one of simplicity. That is to say, I refrain from making things more complicated than they should be. You could call me the personification of Ockham’s razor. Or that I worship as a credo Einstein’s injunction to make things simple, but not simpler. I don’t know why I am possessed with this inflexible partiality for making things easy and straight to the point, but that’s how it is.

Hence, you can understand why I am piqued by my No Win No Fee lawyer. For although I understand that the law is an open-ended subject, that its contours cannot be determined with precision because it deals with the variegated outlines of life itself, that this is so true that even more astute lawyers than he had failed in taming its wild fits of uncontrollable jargon, blah blah blah; I still could not reconcile myself to the tardiness of my case.

It seemed to me that he was using the sophistication and complexity of the law to retard my case, to apply them for no other reason than as a dilatory measure, in order for him to fleece and milk me more. Let this post be a warning to all such lawyers: claimants are not as moronic as you take them to be! We may not be privy to the technical understanding of the law, but that does not mean that we can never understand even just an iota or particle of its substance. The mere fact that statues and laws are written in plain English should have made you more circumspect. Yes, laws can only be deciphered by those who are aware of precedents, hearings, civil procedure, and jargon, but laymen have access to these things too, not by themselves, but by asking other, more honest and noble and generous men of the bar!

That there exist such people as I have mentioned I can verify based on my own experience. For as I was wringing my hair in despair, I fortunately came across one. I promptly retrieved my papers from my previous solicitor, slammed the door, and signed a new lawyer, and slept like a babe.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Know the Causes and Prevention of Slips and Trips

Clutters and slippery floor can be risky to people at work. Report shows that slips and trips are the most common accidents in the United Kingdom.

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of slips and trips in the workplace. This can be due to wet floors, uneven floor surface, trailing cables, changes in levels, poor lighting and poor housekeeping.

Wet floor due to spillage of water, ice, rainwater, snow, oil and other chemicals is risky for the employees. Workers might slip along the building entrance, walkway, parking lot and slope areas. Any liquid or even decaying leaves can be harmful especially when it is not cleaned up immediately. Injuries can be sustained from these hazards just like the ones mentioned in accident at In some instances, workers trip on uneven floor surface. They sometimes failed to notice changes in levels and suddenly trip on it. Trailing cables which sprawled along the walkway obstructs people who walk to and fro the work area. Insufficient lighting can hinder them from seeing any obstruction along their way. Poor housekeeping is a bad practice that can affect the performance of the staff. Spilled liquids, greasy floor and clutters in the hallway which are left unclean even for a short period can be hazardous to employees.

Prevention of Hazards

Prevention of hazards due to slips and trips can be prevented by planning, training, organizing, controlling and monitoring. Employers are responsible to initiate and implement this in the workplace.

Business owners should conduct risk assessment and plan on how to deal with the hazards involved in a task. Consult the employees on any potential hazards and work together in setting goals for improvement. Train employees in observing health and safety in the workplace. One of the responsibilities of the employer is to provide adequate training to employees. Instruction and information on dealing with potential risk can help prevent accidents. Organise the work area by encouraging the staff to cooperate in reducing the risks in the area. Check if safe working practices are observed in the premises. Monitor if there are any accidents that occur in the area.

Good housekeeping can help in the prevention of slips and trips. Clean up spillages immediately so that no can get hurt.     Arrange equipment to avoid the cables from sprawling on the floor and cover it when needed. Repair the floor surface and provide sufficient lighting in dim areas. Make sure that rugs and mats are fixed properly.

Work-related accidents can be compensated. Ask for a legal advice on the processing of getting compensation for injuries in the UK.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Hiring a No Win No Fee Lawyer is Simple

Many manufacturing jobs have moved out of the United Kingdom and transferred to China because their artificially controlled currency has made it is much cheaper to do business over there.

And while the World Trade Organization exists to regulate things like state-controlled currency values, many countries have turned a blind eye because of the huge market potential that China dangles in front of them.

Unfortunately, few companies are in the position to take advantage of such a large and tightly controlled market. And since just a few companies can jump through the complicated process of tapping this market, the global economy continues to resist recovery.

More and more people are now out of work than ever before. And because of this, they can hardly meet their daily requirements. So when a member of the household becomes involved in an accident, saying it is a burden is an understatement.

Fortunately the United Kingdom has anticipated this and has done something to help its citizens. With the advent of the no win no fee lawyer, accident victims no longer have to be weighed down by more problems.

The beauty about getting a no win no fee lawyer is in its simplicity. Unlike having trying to enter China’s market, there are no complicated formulas, there are no barriers to entry, and there are no limits in hiring the best lawyers.

All one needs to know is that they can hire the finest lawyers and not have to worry about paying. Instead of carrying the burden of payment, it is the Tortfeasor, or the one responsible for the accident, who is charged with carrying the weight of payment.

Hiring a No Win No Fee Lawyer Shifts the Burden of Payment to the Tortfeasor

After the financial crisis affected the entire world in 2008, economies have not yet bounced back to good health. Growth has been slow for majority of the European and American countries, with only the Asian continent being the bright spot for now.

Leading the pack in Asia is a tightly controlled China. Thanks to its draconian control of its currency values, it has made everything cheaper to manufacture there. This has led to many countries losing heir competitive edges, driving them deeper in to recession.

Unfortunately, the United Kingdom has not been spared. Many of it manufacturing companies have transferred to China or folded up due to unfair competition. And as a result, many of its citizens are struggling to make ends meet.

With so little money available, getting in to an accident is the last thing that any British citizen wants to be part of. Back in the old days, accidents may have been considered nuisances, but today, they can spell the difference between life and a slow financial death.

Thankfully the presence of the no win no fee lawyer has helped to make things easier. Instead of diverting much needed funds from food, lawyers do not charge their clients for services like they did in the past.

Instead, they have shifted the burden of payment to the Tortfeasor, or the person responsible for the accident in the first place.

The reason behind this is simple. If the accident did not occur, extra expenses would not be incurred. So it is but logical to for the no win no fee lawyer to transfer the burden of payment to the persons responsible for the accident in the first place.

Why Don’t People Look for Personal Injury Lawyers after an Accident?

Watching fictitious crime shows on the telly has given people a lot of terms. Perhaps the most memorable one is when a person is being interrogated and ends up uttering, “I want to talk to my lawyer!”

Thanks to current favourites like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Cover Affairs, Criminal Minds, and NCIS have cemented the idea of invoking one’s right to counsel when things begin to look bad.

However, when an accident occurs, all this conditioning seems to disappear in the blink of an eye. Faced with threats of multiple lawsuits and huge fines, an accident victim rarely looks for his personal injury lawyers when under pressure. And due to this, he sometimes ends up being on the raw end of the stick when cases are filed.

Though it may sound excessive, looking for one’s lawyer is the best thing to do when one is involved in an accident. The main reason for this is that accident victims are rarely in the proper frame of mind. They are primarily in shock, while others may be in a state of panic. People under these conditions may say and do things which may harm them in future.

So if you happen to be involved in an accident, just remember what you watched in the telly and ask for your personal injury lawyers to help protect yourself from unfair lawsuits.

What do Personal Injury Lawyers Advise when People are Involved in an Accident?

Though statistics have indicated that accidents have become a normal part of life, the reaction of people to these accidents, while normal, are not helpful.

The initial reaction will be shock where people usually end up being in a trance-like state. They can be moved around, made to say anything, and even made to do things they would not normally do.

For others, they may be in a state of panic where their reactions are the exact opposite. Instead of being in a calm trance-like state, people who are panicking will be extremely active. They may move quickly, talk quickly, and do other things in a rapid manner without thinking things through.

Both states are dangerous from a legal point of view because people who are in shock or in a state of panic may be pushed to make statements and sign documents against their best interests. One example is that persons may be persuaded to admit being responsible for an accident when he is the victim.

This is the reason why personal injury lawyers advise their clients to try and stay calm when they are involved in an accident. Many say that talking several deep breaths helps to return one’s mind to a normal state.

They also advise to avoid giving out any statements or signing any documents while still in shock or in a panicked state as these will most likely be incorrect.

And when possible, a victim is advised to contact their personal injury lawyers immediately so their rights can be protected before any legal complications arise.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Eat Healthy Food This Season

It’s not only the flowers that are blooming this spring but also the fruits and veggies that are healthy and yummy. A news report featured some of the best healthy foods that are delightful to the eyes and good for the body.

Asparagus contains dietary fibers and vitamins A, C, E, and K. It also contains chromium which manages one’s energy by means of controlling sugar levels. Peas are low in calories yet contain lots of nutrients. It can add sweetness to any dish. It’s rich in vitamin C and K which is known to promote bone mass. It’s high in minerals like calcium, zinc and folate which reduce cholesterol. Kiwi contains phytonutrients which prevents cancer and neutralize oxidants. Spinach has a high amount of dietary fibre which prevents constipation, serves as a protection against cancer in the digestive system, lowers blood cholesterol and rich in Vitamin A which keeps the skin healthy. Apricot is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, potassium and iron. The sugar content in this fruit is low in calories. Beetroot lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Even the fruit’s striking colour is a good anti-oxidant. It contains vitamins and minerals which keep the bone healthy, boost energy and help balance sugar level. Carrots contain anti-oxidant beta-carotene which keeps the skin and eyes healthy and helps in digestion. It has been said that daily intake of carrot juice helps detox blood and liver and fights acne. Blueberries contain high levels of anti-oxidants. It’s a good source of vitamins C, B complex, E, and A. It contains copper which helps boost the immune system. The anthocyanin of blueberries makes it appear colour blue. It’s also an anti-oxidant that slows aging. Here’s some more interesting info. Blueberries are packed with nutrients that fight urinary tract infection, protect eye sight and reduce the risk of heat ailment. Peaches are also a good source of anti-oxidants. It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin K which prevent blood clotting. Strawberries are anti-inflammatory and help fights cancer;

Did you notice that many of these fresh produce are rich in anti-oxidants that slows aging by fighting free radicals in the body? Those who are health-conscious who savours on these juicy fruits needs to tell their GPs if they are taking any diet pills. Some cases of medical negligence claims in the UK arise from GPs negligence of investigating on their patient’s health condition.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Benefits of Habituation

How do you make demanding No Win No Fee claims easier? The answer is habituation. That is to say, instead of saving up your energy for sudden and short bursts of activity, you should plot a clear enumeration of the things that you need to do and to consistently do them on a given time basis. The only way you can make the claiming process work for you is to make it as less dramatic and as predictable as you can. In other words, you should treat it just as you would treat any other piece of work that you have to finish within a given timeline.

For one thing, you can make your No Win No Fee claiming experience easier by making a routine. You can segregate your innumerable tasks, for example, into two. You can allocate all evidence collection and witness interviews in the morning, while all consultations with your lawyer at night. Of course this does not mean that you should be rigid. Not at all. Rigidity is the cause of many endeavors’ downfall, not just lawsuits. What it only means is that you should be as organized as much as this is possible.

Another thing that you can do is to stick to your routine. Now, the most difficult part of any plan is the execution, but it is also that part which when done guarantees success. Again, you must follow your schedule as much as this is possible. You can even obtain things that you know will inspire you, such as a diary, success stories, inspirational movies and music. You can also call on your friends and family members to function as your support group. In any case, the real aim here is to provide that thing or service or person which you know will enable you to persevere and complete your claim.

At this point, it is easy to moralize about planning and executing, but you must not forget the premise of these two things. That is the fact that you should do everything in your power to understand the claiming process and the steps involved. For without understanding it, you cannot break it down into manageable pieces, and so you would not be able to formulate any feasible plan, much less execute one.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Connections Questions

When discriminating whom to hire as your No Win No Fee solicitors London, a friend once told me that I should pick those who were close with the judge, either because they are blood relations or friends. Whether we like to believe it or not, he said, judges are human beings too. We should not believe the crap others tell us that they are so rational that they will be deaf to the yearnings of their hearts. Go for broke, he added, You can never go wrong.

Well I think my experience in dealing with the courts and No Win No Fee solicitors London has falsified his claim. My case, an accident at work claim, prospered last year even though the defendant’s solicitor was the judge’s own brother. It’s strange, but it’s real. The main weakness of the argument of my friend, and which life all too eagerly brought up, was this—just because people are friends does not mean that they cannot be professional. Judges and lawyers are not too keen on applying undue influence to the outcome of the case for the simple reason that they know they can be sanctioned, even disbarred, if caught. Whoever thinks that victory in one case at the price of losing a lifetime’s worth of prestige and effort is a bargain is clearly out of his mind. Lawyers and judges are smart people, despite their ambition. They know they cannot act willy-nilly, especially when people are all too ready to suspect collusion between them.

Another thing my friend forgot to take into consideration is that more than the fear of disbarment and loss of honor, judges and lawyers may not be in good terms with people presume them to be close with. Relatives may quarrel with each other, friends may hold grudges, and the proof of this is provided by life itself. Unhappy families and broken friendships are all too common in the world today, but even more so in an extremely competitive environment such as the world of jurisprudence. That lawyer is close to that judge, some say. Therefore we must hire him. But I ask: how do we know that they are really close? And even if they were, how do we know that nevertheless they are presently in good terms?

Saving Lives

Save a Life

It takes three to tango to save a life. What? Should it be “it takes two to tango?” Just a catchy intro to grab the attention of readers. The three athletic staff members’ effort helped saved the life of a football reporter.

A simple phone conversation turns out to be a way of saving someone’s life. That’s what happened to an athletic director who was talking on the phone with a college football reporter when suddenly the voice of the latter becomes unclear. At first, the athletic director thought it was due to a bad connection but later on he realised something is wrong and immediately he made his way of getting her home address from his co-workers. With the effort of his 2 colleagues he was able to locate her house. The athletic director brought an ambulance, a police and firefighter with him to get into the house of the reporter. While this is happening, the assistant director was asked by the athletic director to keep talking with the reporter until the team reaches her house. Thankfully, the reporter is recuperating in the hospital. Thanks to the initiative of the athletic director and his colleagues in making an effort to save the reporter’s life. It’s such a heroin act. But he is humble enough not to be labeled as a hero.

Save Time

Necessity is the mother of invention. So goes the popular saying. This old adage is appropriate for the infrared cameras developed by the IT department of a supermarket firm in trimming down lengthy checkout lines. The cameras help in detecting the number of customers who comes in. This innovative technology is paired with software that determines the duration of shopping time spent by customers. In this way, it can determine the number of checkout lanes that needs to be opened. A screen displays the information which will prompt supervisors to deploy cashiers immediately.

This is such an impressive technological innovation that will surely develop into a more advanced stage in the future. It lessens the stress on the part of the customers and it will prevent employees from rushing just to serve the customers. Rushing and poor work practices are some of the common accidents that injure employees. That’s why they end up filling for work accident claim.

The British Need to set Aside their Independence and Hire a Personal Injury Claim Lawyer

With thousands of years behind them, the British have grown to be quite an independent lot. After years of existence, they refuse to depend on anyone for their future and prefer to make their own destiny.

So having to put one’s future in the hands of a personal injury claim lawyer is not the easiest thing for the British to do. Instead of being the person on a football field, a British man hurt in an accident suddenly becomes a spectator who waits for players to dictate the outcome of the game.

This independent streak is probably the main reason why many people in Great Britain prefer to go about filing for injury claims all on their own. By doing it themselves, they do not have to depend on a lawyer who does not have to bear any of the consequences of a failed case.

Unfortunately, many British, who have gone at it alone, end up regretting it in the end. The problem is fighting it out in court requires special skills. These include knowing what laws to apply for one’s injuries and how much one can claim for them; knowing how to communicate arguments in both written and oral forms; and knowing how negotiate with the lawyer of the person responsible for the accident.

And since not every British man is an expert in the ways of the law, it is best if they set aside their independence and hire a personal injury claim lawyer to make sure they get what is owed to them.

The British need to Know that a Personal Injury Claim Lawyer is Better for Them

As one of the oldest civilisation in history, Great Britain has seen it all. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the rise of the British Empire, it is one of the few civilisations that survived from the old world in to the new one.

So it is without any surprise that the British have developed a sense of independence in everything that they do. As young adults, they are eager to step out in to the world and create a name for themselves, even without the explicit encouragement of their parents.

And while the British can be counted upon for their individual contributions, they have also mastered the art of working closely with one another. Huge industries in technology, aerospace, racing, and commerce were all built on their ability to get along with each other.

And while they do get along with nearly everyone, working with a personal injury claim lawyer is not one of those things they do easily.

Perhaps it is because lawyers have built up such a negative reputation for themselves that even the most cooperative British man avoids them like the Black Plague. So when an accident occurs, one of the toughest things a British man can do is hand over the reins to a lawyer.

But for those who have gone against centuries of independence, they realise that working with a personal injury claim lawyer turns out to be better for them in the long term because they get to benefit from the expertise built up over the years.