
Monday, 20 May 2013

How Does a No Win No Fee Solicitor Work?

When I graduated from law school many years ago, the concept of a no win no fee solicitor did not exist yet. And since solicitors like me are people too, I would end up charging my clients on an hourly basis because this was the standard at the time.

At the beginning, it was tough to charge people, especially those who could not afford a solicitor, but as time when on, I got used to it even if it sometimes broke my heart when delivering the bill. There would be times when I would be wracked with guilt, but there was only so much I could do for clients, given my own financial limitations.

So when the concept of the no win no fee agreement was adopted by the legal community, I breathed a big sigh of relief. Suddenly, with this option, clients who could not afford to secure competent services suddenly had the opportunity to do so.

For those of you who are not familiar with how a no win no fee solicitor operates, we get to practice law the same way we always had. We still get to charge people for our services, but instead of charging clients, we charge their opponents.

One example is when I was hired to file an accident claim against a company because it was responsible for injuring my client. Under the old rates, I would have charged a client for every hour of work I did.

But with a no win no fee agreement, my clients do not have to shell out any money at all. It is the company responsible for my client’s injuries that is now tasked with paying all my legal fees.

With this agreement, anyone could now avail of my services. Rich, poor, or someone in between could now hire me as their solicitor. And since I am not constricted by the tight budget or limited funds of a client anymore, I am able to work without restrictions by giving 100 percent of my efforts.

Being a no win no fee solicitor certainly has changed the legal landscape. Not only do clients benefit from a no win no fee agreement, but solicitors do


  1. legal requirements need to be met in order to obtain compensation for no win no fee claim, solicitors assist in complying with the requirements

  2. if you find that your attempts to convince your personal injury lawyer to take on your case as one of his no win no fee claim have all been abortive then you should not immediately give up because there are other things that you can do in order to have your way

  3. Pauline Johnson21 May 2013 at 21:05

    a no win no fee solicitor works for clients who has claims with a strong merits winning..

  4. a no win no fee solicitors duties and responsibilities are extensive, they can provide you legal advice, prepare documents, investigates on the incident, conduct negotiations etc...
